Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

To ensure safety of everyone this Code of Conduct and the Finnish law are to be followed during the event.

We want to make sure Virtual Finncon is an event everyone can enjoy. This means all harassment and bullying is strictly forbidden in all of the event’s virtual spaces. The definition of harassment includes (but is not limited to) racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic speech, as well as commenting on person’s gender or sexuality. Harassment can be intentional or unintentional, and participants are allowed to determine what is harassment to them.

All participants are allowed to ask other participants to stop commenting or ask the moderators to intervene in a situation. The moderators have the right to block a person from taking part in discussions if they continue harassment despite being told to stop.

Commenting of Programme Items and Discussion
Virtual Finncoin gives the opportunity to comment and ask questions during certain programme items. Commenting programme items requires logging in. All comments will be moderated before they are published. The comments and questions must be related to the topic of the programme item. Adding links to the comments is not allowed.

There is also an opportunity to participate in a more general discussion related to the topics of the event. Taking part in the discussion requires registration. During the discussions it is important to follow the instructions of the moderators.

In Conclusion
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is not to prevent people from having fun at the convention but ensuring the safety of all the people at the convention. The goal of the Code of Conduct is not listing everything that is forbidden, common sense is highly recommended,